
A short-ish introduction.

Welcome! Bienvenue !

To anybody who ends up on this website… how the fuck did you end up here? Do tell me, I’m curious!

I’m Sib, aka SilentSib, a 32-yo French dude who, after having finished studying moved to Dublin, Ireland till he moved to Vienna, Austria in 2013. Let’s be honest: my German skills back then were pretty rusty… and well, they still are, technically. I haven’t exactly made a lot of efforts to get better because I just have little to none affinity with this Devil’s language. Wirklich.

It wasn’t exactly easy to reboot my life in a different country in which I didn’t know much of the language and much less of the culture. Even when you start learning German, you would still need to learn Wienerish, which is the lovely dialect they speak here in Vienna. I’ll be honest again, apart from a couple of words (hello Oida), I don’t know jack about Wienerish. But that’s fine.

My background you ask? Well, I was foolish enough to study English when I was still living in France. That gave me an English degree which hasn’t really shown to be that useful since I got it. You know, cause I… don’t teach or don’t do any translating.

I’ve always had a thing for IT: I started my journey with a Pentium III 600 MHZ with an old Voodoo 3 graphics card around year 2000 and started learning about programming in my teens with QBasic, then Visual Basic and C++. I’m by no means a good programmer, but I like to think that I can handle myself and that I can (at least sometimes) use those skills to solve an issue. I still have lots and lots to learn about, well, anything IT related, but I take it a step at a time.

So you may ask: who is this dude? What does he do? What does he like? Why did he create a blog?

Well, this is probably somewhere around my 5th iteration of a blog. Some have been successful (a very relative word) in the past and some just died after two posts. It just all depends on what I want to write about, and sometimes I am inspired, sometimes I’m not. It’s as easy as that.

As to what the theme of this blog will be, well… the starting idea for it was to go into what I’m learning about at work as a Linux SysOps engineer, what I’m learning at home when I’m trying to get better at my job and what I just find overall interesting and entertaining. This might cover anything in the range of how-to articles to posts that have me talk about a great TV show, or a new technology that I’ve just discovered and find fascinating… You probably get it, it will be a bit of everything and anything based on my mood of the moment.

Disclaimer (mainly to myself): it might die after two weeks, again.

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